Have I said I love working with heritage photos? Some of you are blessed to have a lot of vintage family photos. Get them out, scan them, repair them and use them! I have been working on my family genealogy for about 6 years now. I have hit a couple of "dead ends" with "father unknown" and such. However, I have 671 people in my tree! I can trace back as far as the 1400's on the Whitney side of the family and so far I am back to the 1600's with the Osbaldeston side of the family. So I am doing well on my mom and dad's lineages. I also am working on Jim's family. Not so far back yet there but I hope to get back as far with his family too! What a rich history! How I wish I had written records though. It would be wonderful to know what some of the family thought when they left England to come to the United States. Well, it all will involve more research! I consider this my life-long project.
All of the layouts above are done in various heritage styles. The sisters and Flossie were all Whitney's prior to marriage. Young Bob and the Ring Us layout are my uncle, who died in WWII, and my dad, respectively. Finally Cowboy Up features my DH and his brother.
I think this really is my favorite style of scrapbooking. Now, to get these layouts in organized albums!
Be well, and cherish your own roots and heritage.