Last week, you may recall I was at CK Portland. I met new "old" friends - women from and got new inspiration! I did the LO Young Bob in my last post after Catz's style. On a whim I submitted it to Making Memories on-line gallery. I got notification that it was the featured LO yesterday 3/13/2009. Today I got the newsletter from their on line site and it was featured there too! So my bold move of the week was submitting a LO to their Halloween LO call.... I have a personal goal to be published in a paper publication by 2011. So in order to do that I have to submit! I guess they don't publish you if you don't submit (go figure???). So now only time will tell.
At CK Portland I also got to discover GCD Studios papers in real life. I bought the Paris nights collection as did my friend Debbie (~Paper Junkie~). I am really excited to use it! It is simply lovely. I have a link to GCD Studios in my "favorite scrapbook" links at the bottom of the page. If you haven't already, check out their paper lines. They are super!
Look for new LOs here soon! AND Another RAK this time Blue I think ~ come back on Wednesday and see what awaits!