So I have been busy getting our house ready to remodel. Part of that has involved going through boxes of things that belonged to my mom and dad and deciding what to keep. Things I have learned: my dad and mom were great at record keeping, books are sometimes worth keeping and sometimes not, pictures are usually worth keeping, it is possible to give things away to a good cause both on purpose and on accident, and things are not memories. I really loved my amazing mom and dad. I still do.
I have done some LOs with old photographs lately. I am also really into Webster's Pages. I have been hoarding Webster's paper, so I am trying to use it and enjoy it! I am participating in a Layout Every Other Day at Tally Scrappers. It has been fun to keep up with the prompts and is helping me work through my stash!
I hope that this week finds each of you happy and healthy. I would challenge you to look at those around you who you love. Tell them how much you respect and value their lives. Then look at those who are more challenging to love and honor, think of ways to respect and honor them. I know I will be praying for some who are more difficult for me to love as neighbor!
Have a wonderful week!