I just finished up a blog challenge for Scraps of Darkness! I loved the sketch so much I did it again.
This sketch is by Flying Unicorn (aka Alda) whose sketches I adore.
First the LO for Scraps of Darkness:
The challenge as listed on the
Scraps of Darkness Blog is:
1. Between today, September 2, 2010, and September 14, 2010, create a "dark" layout. Think dark colors, dark subjects, such as Twilight or horror movies. Think Halloween, vampires, witches, or whatever you think of as a "dark" layout.
2. Post your layout on your blog or in whatever scrapbook galleries you normally post in.
3. Mention that your layout was done for the
Scraps of Darkness blog challenge, with a link back to this blog.
4. Leave a comment on this post telling us where to find your layout, with a link to it.
So about the darkest non-Twilight photo I had handy was one of DS and me last Halloween. We are a couple of Jokers!
I used black, red and purple as my dark colors and really tried for a haunted spooky look. You can let me know how I did!
Speaking of Twilight, Preston and I met Solomon, who played Sam in the first Twilight Movie a few weeks ago. Preston was thrilled to meet a real actor. Here is the photo and the LO I did with it! How many of you are jealous? Admit it!