I'm feeling a little patriotic this week and thought it was time to do another blog RAK. This time the theme: Red, White and Blue! What you see is the top layer only. Much, much more!
To be eligible for this RAK, sign up from today June 23rd to June 30th to follow my blog AND leave a comment below about why you are patriotic. If you already are a follower, just leave a comment below. I will draw a lucky patriotic winner on June 30th at 7:00 PST.
Good luck everyone!
Wow! What a generous RAK! I am patriotic because I am so thankful for the freedoms and choices we have in the USA. Teaching in an area where there is a navy base--I have realized just how much the enlisted as well as their families sacrifice to maintain the safety and freedoms we all enjoy! Thank you!
Thanks for being so kind and doing something like this. I think I'm patriotic because I'm a member of a Girl Scout troop who teaches all of our girls that the men and women who fight for the freedom of country are heroes and we sing "Proud to be an American" by Lee Greenwood every week in their honor.
What a fun RAK! I also am thankful for the many freedoms we have living in our wonderful country.
I'm in awe of your generosity and this rak! And to think I just did like 6 patriotic layouts yesterday! This would be great for all my travel layouts to historical places. Thanks and good luck all!
WOW that is gorgeous!
I am thankful for the freedom we have and the opportunity to be who I am. Over the year I have some very close friends who were fighting in Iraq. Losing them has made me appreciate not more than just life more, but those who risk their lives to allow us to have just the simple things in life.
Hi! How's everything with you? I know your keeping busy at SS with last scrapper standing and the crop! I wish I could have joined in on one of them just been to busy here! Getting some remodeling done on Thursday and leaving next week for a mini trip.
Hope you have a good week!
What a great giveaway. I am so thankful for the freedoms that we enjoy and all too often take for granted. Patriotic music touches me to my core. I just heard a rendition of "God Bless America" that brought tears to my eyes. Thank you :)
That is a great looking RAK!
I love the foundations of the country, "In God We Trust". And, by God, we have been blessed.
WooHoo! A RAK! Growing up a military brat, I am very patriotic still.
Wow, that is an awesome RAK!!!!! Just love anything red, white and blue and what a fabulous country we live in!!! I just wanted to take this time to thank you for all of your wonderful comments that you have left me!!!! Your encouragement and support have been so uplifting!!! Have a great day sweet friend! :)
Looks like a great RAK :)
Great RAK! I am glad we are free to be who we are. I also buy American to show my support and help keep our country strong! Thanks for the opportunity!
Hello! I just signed up to follow you!!! I'm patriotic because I am thankful for our many rights and freedoms that we have. I'm so glad I am lucky enough to live in this country!!
This is so generous of you!! I cry when I see the American flag, especially in a parade. Just the sight of the flag brings me to tears. I love America!!
Now thats a NICE RAK!! Holy Horse Muffins!
This time of year is hard for me as I lost a few family members and friends fighting for our country! But I still celebrate by writing little notes on red,white & blue balloons and letting them fly! Its something we have done for the past 3 yrs!
What an amazing RAK...with that said, I can't say enough about the wonderful freedoms we enjoy, for the opportunity to have a voice in our government, to have a choice in all we do and say. Where else can you enjoy all of this and so much more but here in America - the land that I truly love!!!
What a nice giveaway. I am now a follower. I guess I would have to say I am patriotic because my dad was in the airforce and my man was in the army, and is now in Iraq as a civilian supporting the military.
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